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*** Until then have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! ***

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Bitza Bikes Slider Images Bitza Bikes Slider Images

Motorcycle services of the finest quality in Taunton, Somerset

From supplying high-grade tyres and chain and sprocket sets to providing complete brake overhauls, our motorcycle service in Taunton, Somerset, is fully comprehensive. With a fully equipped workshop that boasts all-inclusive fitting facilities, we cover all aspects of motorcycle repairs to provide you with cost-effective solutions.


Electrical Repairs

From alternator rewinds and the supply and installation of Japanese manufactured regulator/rectifier assemblies to full and complete rewiring of just about any pre-CAN-bus electrical technology motorcycle, we offer a varied range of electrical services. Using only German OEM Würth electrical connectors of the highest quality, this is to ensure our wiring jobs are the best of the best, and provide you with great results and parts for many years to come.


Contact us in Taunton, Somerset, to learn more about our comprehensive motorcycle service, which includes intricate motorcycle wiring.

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Ultrasonic Carb Cleaning

Do your carbs look like this?

Is your bike just not running right?

Reluctant to start and has 'flat-spots'?

Then, chances are, your carbureted bike will benefit from having its carbs ultrasonically cleaned.

Ultrasonic cleaning uses cavitation bubbles induced by high frequency pressure (sound) waves to agitate a liquid. This agitation produces high forces on contaminants adhering to metals, plastics, and rubber. The action also penetrates blind holes, cracks, and recesses, which means that the internal drillings and passageways in carbs are properly cleaned.

We have two tanks that operate at different frequencies making sure that any carbs cleaned by us are truly 'squeaky clean'!


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